Potato & Green Bean Salad


This salad comes to us courtesy of Grow Eco member Gail Mackler and she in turn would like to credit her dad for handing it down, so we have a true family recipe to share with you today.


These are rough quantities based on what I used when I made the salad myself, which worked out to two or three portions. You can easily scale this up or down as needed and adjust the quantities of beans and potatoes to suit your preference.

  • 1 bunch of green beans (about 8 ounces)

  • 1 lb potatoes (red or gold work well)

  • 2 tsp dried dill (sub for fresh dill if you have it)

  • 1 tsp garlic powder (or to taste)

  • Salt and pepper to taste

  • 2 Tbsp olive

  • 1 Tbsp lemon juice (optional)


  1. Put a pot of water on to boil and peel the potatoes if desired (I never do for potato salads because I like the extra texture of the skin.)

  2. Cut the potatoes to inch sized pieces and add them to the boiling water until easily pierced by a fork (10 to 15 minutes depending on the type of potato)

  3. Trim and halve the beans and if you have a steaming basket for the pot the potatoes are in, steam the beans over the potatoes for 8 to 10 minutes until they reach your desired tenderness. If you don’t have a steaming basket, it’s best to cook them in a separate pot of boiling water from the potatoes, so you don’t overcook them by adding them in too early.

  4. Drain the potatoes and beans and put them in a bowl to let them to steam dry for a couple of minutes and then add the oil and seasonings while the veggies are still hot so the potatoes can absorb all the flavors, making sure to mix everything really well.

  5. I put the salad in the fridge for a couple of hours because I like it cold, but my partner preferred it room temperature or even warmed up a bit, so try it either way and decide for yourself how it tastes best.

Andrew Williamson