August - Spaghetti Squash Cakes w/ Mashed Avocado

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  • Leftover spaghetti squash from previous night

  • 1 egg

  • Panko bread crumbs

  • 1 ripe avocado

  • Juice of 1/2 lime

  • Fresh cilantro

  • Flaky sea salt & pepper

  • Avocado Oil


  • The most important step to this recipe is removing as much water as possible from the leftover squash. You can either ring it out in some cheesecloth or press between two clean dish towels

  • Whisk your egg

  • In a medium bowl combine the squash, egg, and a handful of bread crumbs to start. The goal is to get everything to hold together so you can form patties from the mixture. You can add more bread crumbs until you achieve the proper consistency to do so.

  • Heat a skillet over medium heat and add dash of avocado oil.

  • Now cook the patties in the hot skillet for about 5 mins each side until they are both equally golden brown

I was able to make 4 patties each about 1/2” thick from the squash I had leftover

I was able to make 4 patties each about 1/2” thick from the squash I had leftover

  • The cakes themselves are ready to serve as a vehicle for any number of different toppings. As mentioned I enjoyed mine with mashed avocado today.

  • In a bowl I halved the ripe avocado (pitt removed) and squeezed the lime juice over the top

  • Now add a few turns of fresh cracked black pepper, a pinch of nice flaky sea salt, and a handful of fresh cilantro leaves to the bowl.

  • Mash it all together with a fork

  • Just before you are ready to serve, top your crispy squash cakes with a good amount of the avocado mash and if you’d like, garnish it with a few extra leaves of cilantro and a touch more salt. Don’t add the avocado to the cakes in advance or they will get soggy.

Cooked for about 5 mins each side

Cooked for about 5 mins each side

michelle bourque