June '20 - Hericots Verts with leftover Sorrel Pesto & Ricotta



  • a couple of tbsp of leftover Sorrel Pesto (see the potato & leek pizza recipe for how to make)

  • some of the leftover ricotta cheese (again used for that same pizza)

  • zest of 1/2 a lemon

  • 1 lb (roughly 35-40) fresh green beans (cleaned and ends removed)

  • fresh ground kosher salt & black pepper to taste


  • Bring a pot of salted water to boil and while waiting on that to happen, mix some of your leftover sorrel pesto with some ricotta cheese. I would say I prob had about 2 parts cheese to 1 part pesto. Set the mixture aside.

  • Once the water is boiling give the cleaned green beans a relatively quick 4-5 min blanch in there then remove/drain thoroughly.

  • While the beans are still hot I spooned over my ricotta & pesto mixture so it melts over them.

  • I finished with fresh lemon zest, salt, and fresh ground black pepper.

  • Voila!