September - Citrus Soy Cucumbers

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  • 1 Large cucumber (sliced very thin)

  • 1 1/2 tbsp Yuzu ponzu*

  • 1/2 tbsp Sesame oil

  • 1/2 tbsp Reduced sodium soy sauce

  • 1/2 tbsp Rice vinegar

  • 1 tbsp Cilantro (roughly chopped)

  • 1/2 tbsp Sesame seeds

  • 1/4 tsp Crushed red pepper flakes

*Yuzu is a Japanese citrus fruit that is used in much the same way as lemons. Its flavor is tart and closely resembles that of grapefruit with a kind of mandarin orange overtone. Ponzu is a citrus & soy based sauce that is sweet & umami-rich. You more often find a lemon or lime ponzu at your average supermarket here. The last time I was specifically looking for the yuzu ponzu though, I found it at the La Mesa Sprouts location.



  • Slice your clean cucumber into very thin disks (I leave the skin on, but you can peel it if you prefer).

  • In a separate bowl whisk together all the other ingredients (except the sesame seeds) until they are well combined.

  • Pour the sauce over your sliced cucumbers and give them a gentil toss to be sure they are all coated.

  • I like to cover mine and let them marinade in the fridge like this for about an hour or so, but you can of course serve immediately if you’d like.

  • Just before you are ready to enjoy the dish, sprinkle the sesame seeds over the top and give everything one final toss.